
高校教师聘任制改革的历史沿革与实践困惑 被引量:2

Historical Evolution and Practical Confusion of Reforming the Engagement System of Teachers at University
摘要 建立和完善教师聘任制是建立现代大学制度的重要条件。中国高校教师聘任制度始于清末,1986年,中央正式决定改革过去的职称评审制度,实行专业技术职务聘任制。然而改革至今历时20余年,仍在艰难推行中。改革之艰难,根本原因在于高校自身无法解决的一些根本性问题,也就是外部环境不配套造成的。因此,只有具备良好的外部条件保障,聘任制才能长效运行并发挥应有的作用。 The sound engagement system of teachers at university is an important requirement to establish modern college policy.The engagement system of teachers at university in China started from the end of Qing Dynasty and the rank system of teachers had been changed in 1986 to be a professional rank system.The reform,however,has been challenged from the beginning.The difficulty in reforming the system was both in and outside the institutions of higher learning.Therefore,the engagement system of teachers at university can be of long-term efficiency while favorable requirements are met.
作者 孙建忠
机构地区 闽江学院人事处
出处 《曲靖师范学院学报》 2011年第5期10-15,共6页 Journal of Qujing Normal University
关键词 高等教育 高校聘任制 历史沿革 实践困惑 institution of higher learning engagement system historical evolution practical confusion
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  • 1中华人民共和国教育法[M].




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