
东亚三国的公共养老金制度改革:名义账户制的应用前景评析 被引量:6

Public Pension Reform in Three East Asian Countries: Assessing the Potential Utility of the Notional Defined Contribution(NDC) Model
摘要 在人口老龄化形势下,东亚国家的老年人口赡养率迅速攀升。如何改革公共养老金制度,建立与人口、经济社会形势相适应的养老保障体系,是摆在这些国家面前的一个难题。本文将比较中国、韩国和新加坡的公共养老制度,探讨名义账户制(NDC)在三国的应用前景。通过分析名义账户制化解各国现实问题的潜在能力,作者认为中国适用名义账户制的可行性最强,新加坡较低,而韩国介于二者之间。 In East Asia the rate of increase in the major factor behind old-age dependency ratio is particularly rapid and is a search by pension policy experts in many of these nations for new ideas about how to reform their existing public pension schemes so as to make them more suitable for the demographic and economic pressures they are facing. In this article we ask whether or not the notional defined contribution (NDC) model has potential utility and deserves greater attention than it has been getting in current public pension policy debates in three countries in East and South East Asia. We conclude that the NDC model has a great deal to offer China, but much less to offer to Singapore with South Korea located between the other two.
出处 《社会保障研究》 2011年第5期74-84,共11页 Social Security Studies
关键词 名义账户制 中国 韩国 新加坡 社会养老金 中央公积金 NDC schemes, China, South Korea, Singapore, social pensions, provident funds
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