
两面下注与行为调整——中国-东盟在南海问题上的互动模式研究 被引量:10

Hedging and Behavioral Adjustments: A Study of Interaction between China and ASEAN on the South China Seas
摘要 南海争端是中国与其他南海主权声索国之间存在已久的问题,它因影响到中国与东南亚有关国家的双边关系而成为中国-东盟关系发展中的一个障碍,外部因素的介入更可能使其演变成地区安全与稳定的潜在威胁。在中国-东盟南海外交博弈过程中,东盟诸国选择两面下注战略,加强与美国的军事联系以应对中国力量的上升,中国则通过调整行为方式确保在南海问题上形成一种于己最为有利的局面。经过近20年的努力,双方已在这一问题上建构了一种混合型互动模式,基本维持了地区和平与稳定。 The dispute over the South China Seas is a long term issue between China and other claimants to sovereignty which has impacted bilateral relations between China and a number of Southeast Asia states, and which has become an obstacle to developing relations between China and ASEAN. External interventions in the issue may further result in the issue's evolution into a threat for regional security and stability. Throughout the course of diplomatic efforts between China and ASEAN, ASEAN states have opted to hedge against China by deepening their military relations with the United States in response to China's expanding power. For its part, China has adjusted its behavior to ensure that the situation in the South China Seas will be most favorable to its own interests. Over 20 years, the two sides have constructed a mixed means of interaction which has essentially functioned to sustain peace and stability in the region.
作者 刘阿明
出处 《当代亚太》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期56-72,56,共17页 Journal of Contemporary Asia-Pacific Studies
关键词 南海问题 互动 两面下注 行为调整 South China Seas Interaction Hedging Behavioral Agustments
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