
博洛尼亚:城市的战略转型与大学的制度选择 被引量:4

Bologna:The City Strategic Transformation and the Institutional Choice of University
摘要 成功的大学城是大学和城市的相互建构,也是环境变迁和组织制度选择共生的过程。作为大学城的博洛尼亚市,其战略转型和经营是围绕博洛尼亚大学进行的,博洛尼亚大学也在城市发展中不断改变历史演进路向。博洛尼亚大学的办学理念、制度体系和教学科研的演变反映了组织在环境中的使能,博洛尼亚市的政治经济环境、文化传统和关键行动者形塑了组织结构。 A successful university town is the mutual construction between environment and organization,and is also the symbiosis process of environmental changes and organizational institutional choice.While the city of Bologna transforms strategically around the University of Bologna,which also evolves in the process of the city development.The educational idea,institutional system,teaching and research of the university are enabled by the organization; and the structure of the organization has been shaped by the city's political and economic environment,cultural tradition and key actors as well.
作者 刘耀
出处 《高等教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第9期41-48,共8页 Journal of Higher Education
关键词 大学城 博洛尼亚大学 战略转型 制度选择 university town University of Bologna strategic transformation institutional selection
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