
列宁时期报纸及其在社会主义建设中的作用 被引量:4

The press and its role in socialist construction in Lenin's period
摘要 十月革命胜利后,苏联作为世界上第一个社会主义国家开始逐步建立自己的报业体系。在这一时期,报纸作为思想武器的功能依然存在,只是它的作用是组织生产管理和社会主义劳动竞赛,团结激励人民建设社会主义。由于帝俄时期俄国文化水平比较落后,十月革命之初,文盲在新生的苏维埃国家仍占多数,因此报纸等出版物就成为改变苏维埃国家文化落后状况的重要途径。列宁曾在各种场合指出报纸出版业的重要性,并采取多种措施发展苏维埃国家的报纸产业,以满足广大人民群众对知识的渴望。为了大力发展报纸产业,巩固和建设新生的苏联埃国家,从十月革命胜利初始,苏联报业就进入了一个全新的历史时期。 After the October Revolution the Soviet Union gradually set up its own press system as the first socialist country in the world.During this period the press retained its functions as an ideological weapon,but the difference was that the functions were to organize management in production and social emulation and to unite and inspire the people in social construction.As the educational level in czarist Russia was very low,in the initial period of the October Revolution the majority of the Soviet population were illiterate,the press and publications became an important route for changing the backwardness of Soviet education.Lenin on many occasions pointed out the importance of the press and publication industry and adopted many measures to develop them so as to quench the people's thirst for knowledge.To boost the industry and thus to consolidate and build up the newborn Soviet state,the Soviet press entered into a brand-new historical period soon after the victory of the October Revolution.
作者 李淑华
出处 《俄罗斯东欧中亚研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期10-16,95,共7页 Russian,East European & Central Asian Studies
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