

Dynamical Simulation for High-Temperature Superconducting Levitation System
摘要 研究永磁体-高温超导悬浮系统的动力学特性,针对改善系统的稳定特性,建立了考虑空气阻尼、外磁场干扰的永磁体-高温超导悬浮系统的动力学模型,采用修正的磁通冻结—镜象模型计算永磁体所受的动态悬浮力,计算出初始冷却条件的影响,避免了洛仑兹力积分求和问题,并进行仿真计算,得到了稳定的动态特征。采用Gear法进行两种工况数值计算的算例,结果表明,永磁体-高温超导悬浮系统的动力学性能改善,并能够反映系统的稳态特性,为永磁体-高温超导悬浮系统的设计提供了理论依据。 To investigate dynamic characteristics of high temperature superconducting levitation system,a dynamical model was built,in which air damping and electromagnetic interference were considered.Levitation forces were computed through the corrected frozen-image method that took cooling conditions into account,so that Lorentz forces did not need to be integrated,which made the computation more simple.Two numerical examples were solved using Gear method.The results indicate that the corrected frozen-image method can be used to model high temperature superconducting levitation system and reveal its dynamic characteristics.The work in this paper can be theoretical basics for the design for high temperature superconducting levitation systems.
作者 刘雷 卞文
出处 《计算机仿真》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期354-357,共4页 Computer Simulation
基金 教育部博士点新教师基金(200802871003)
关键词 高温超导悬浮系统 永磁体 悬浮力 磁通冻结—镜象模型 High temperature superconducting levitation system Permanent magnet Levitation force Frozen-image method
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