介绍了1000 kV交流系统用避雷器的动作负载试验以及相关参数的确定。通过对1000 kV交流系统避雷器的动作负载试验验证,并对其结果分析,确定了1000 kV交流系统用避雷器参数选择的合理性;通过试验研究,1 000 kV避雷器的最大电位分布不均匀系数为1.096,小于1.15的规定值,其最大电流分布不均匀系数小于3.45%,小于10%的规定值;通过动作负载试验的验证,避雷器动作负载特性满足1000 kV特高压工程避雷器的技术要求。
The authoe presents determination of parameters for the operating duty test of MOA for 1 000 kV AC system and relevant tests. Through the operating duty verification test on MOA for 1 000 kV AC system and its result evaluation, the rationality of selected parameters of MOA is validated. Studied by test, Maximum potential distribution coefficient of 1 000 kV arresters is 1.096 which is less than the specified value 1.15, and maximum current distribution coefficient is 3.45% which is less than the specified value 10%. Through operating duty test, the operating duty performance is meeting the technical requirements of 1 000 kV system.
Insulators and Surge Arresters