
延迟折扣的任务呈现方式、数学模型与测量指标 被引量:7

Task Presenting Modes,Mathematical Models,and Measures in Delay Discounting
摘要 延迟折扣是指未来奖赏当前的主观价值随着时间的延长而减少的心理现象。研究者通常采用虚拟奖金选择任务来探讨个体的延迟折扣,在呈现材料时使用算机编程法、卡片呈现法和问卷法,常用的数学模型包括单参数模型和双参数模型,使用的测量指标为延迟折扣率、曲线下的面积和ED50。未来的研究应重点探讨双参数模型的预测力、测量指标的普适性及简易测量法的适用性问题。 Delay discounting refers to the tendency to discount the subjective value of future reward as a function of the delay to receiving them. Researchers usually use hypothetical money choice task to ask subjects to make choices between smaller-sooner rewards and larger-later rewards. Experiment task can be presented via the mode of computer, index card, and questionnaire. The mathematical models include one-parameter model and two-parameter model. Discounting rate (k), area-under-the-curve (AUC), and EDS0 are used to measure delay discounting. Future research should focus on the utility of two-parameter models, measurement indicators, and applicability of the one-shot delay discounting measure.
作者 佟月华 韩颖
出处 《中国临床心理学杂志》 CSSCI CSCD 2011年第5期585-588,共4页 Chinese Journal of Clinical Psychology
基金 山东省社会科学规划研究项目(09BJYJ03) 山东省高校人文社科研究计划项目(J10WH11) 山东省研究生教育创新计划项目(SDYC10020)资助
关键词 延迟折扣 虚拟奖金选择任务 数学模型 延迟折扣率(k) 曲线下的面积(AUC) Delay discounting Hypothetical money choic'e task Mathematical model Discounting rate (k) Area-un- der-the-curve (AUC)
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