
多光束测风激光雷达技术分析和比较 被引量:3

Analysis and Comparison of Multiple Beam Lidars for Wind Measurement
摘要 多光束测风激光雷达是在假设探测的时间内气溶胶团的结构不发生变化的条件下,利用接收到的多光束气溶胶后向散射信号的强度,通过不同计算方法得到水平风速。这种系统具有设备简单、对硬件要求不高等优点。本文分析并比较了基于多光束雷达信号之间的相关性的多光束测风激光雷达和基于两个多波束激光雷达信号的傅里叶变换的比值的多光束测风激光雷达两种技术,后者具有可快速计算水平风速的优点。 The multiple beam wind lidar measures the vertical profiles of wind velocity by tracking the particulate structures, or the spatial variations in the particulate concentration (or more precisely, in the scattering intensity). The results depend upon the large-scale particulate structure and the assumption of frozen turbulence. The lidar device is relatively simple and not expensive. In this paper, two methods of the multiple beam lidar for the wind measurement are analyzed and compared. One method uses the correlations of lidar signals from multiple lines of sight. Another method uses the ratio of Fourier transforms of two muhibeam lidar signals. The latter enables the measurement of the horizontal wind vector using a relatively fast computational algorithm.
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第29期22-26,共5页 Science & Technology Review
基金 国家重点实验室专项基金项目(08262DAA4S)
关键词 激光雷达 测风 气溶胶 多光束 lidar wind measurement aerosol multiple beam
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