
航天器交汇对接电位控制研究与航天器电位监测 被引量:9

Spacecraft Potential Control and Potential Monitor During Spacecraft Docking
摘要 低轨航天器间的电位差异是航天器交汇对接面临的一个重大安全问题,分析了低轨航天器在电离层等离子体中的充电机制,并给出了等效物理电路模型。在此基础上分析了国际太空站的主动电位控制原理和方法,并针对航天器交汇对接中的电位控制问题给出了2种新的解决方案。最后,提出了航天器交汇对接中的电位监测方案,即由朗缪尔探针和表面电位探测器组成航天器电位监测包。 The different potential between two low orbit spacecrafts is a serious safety problem for the spacecraft docking. The charging mechanism of the spacecraft in the ionosphere plasma is analyzed, and the equivalent circuit model in physics is educed. Based on that, the active potential control method for the International Space Station (ISS) is analyzed and two different methods that make sure of the spacecraft is immune from different potential are proposed. In the end, the solution for the spacecraft potential monitor including the Langmuir probe and the surface potential monitor during the docking is advanced.
出处 《科技导报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第29期27-31,共5页 Science & Technology Review
关键词 航天器 交汇对接 等离子体 朗缪尔探针 spacecraft docking plasma Langmuir probe
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