
一株高效解磷细菌的筛选及其在红壤性水稻土中的施用效果 被引量:31

Screening of Efficient Phosphate-solubilizing Bacterial Strain and Its Application in Red Paddy Soil to Rice Cultivation
摘要 解磷菌能使土壤中被活性铁、铝等吸附固定的难溶性或不溶性的非有效态磷转化为易于被植物吸收利用的有效态磷,从而大大提高磷肥的利用率.通过对江西鹰潭红壤分离筛选,获得一株性状稳定的高效解磷细菌T4.经鉴定,菌株T4为伯克霍尔德菌属(Burkholderia sp.);T4溶解AlPO4、磷矿粉的能力均比较高,分别为334.2 mg L-1、193.1mg L-1;研究了各种理化因子对T4解磷能力的影响,确定了T4的最佳培养条件为乳糖15 g L-1,KNO3 1.0 g L-1,pH为7.0,温度为30℃,在该条件下T4溶解AlPO4的量为806.3 mg L-1.在江西鹰潭红壤性水稻土的施用试验表明,将菌株T4制成微生物菌剂施用于水稻田可起到减施化肥的作用. Available phosphorous in phosphate fertilizers can be transformed to unavailable phosphorous by iron or aluminum in red soil,thus reducing the fertilizer utilization efficiency.Phosphate-solubilizing bacteria can convert sparingly insoluble phosphate fixed by iron or aluminum into available phosphorus which can be easily utilized by crops,thus improve the fertilizer utilization efficiency.T4,an efficient phosphate-solubilizing bacterial strain,was isolated from the red soil in Yingtan,Jiangxi,China and identified as Burkholderia sp.Strain T4.It dissolved 334.2 mg L-1 and 193.1 mg L-1 phosphorous from AlPO4 and phosphate rock(P.R) in a flask with shaking respectively.The physical-chemical factors of the growth of T4 were used to optimize the culture conditions.Under the optimal conditions which were lactose 15 g L-1,KNO3 1.0 g L-1,pH 7.0 and 30 ℃,T4 dissolved 806.3 mg L-1 phosphorous from AlPO4.Strain T4 was made into the living bacteria agent and then applied into rice field in Yingtan.The results suggested that the living bacteria agent containing strain T4 could maintain the rice growth and production with reducing chemical fertilizer.Fig 6,Tab 2,Ref 28
出处 《应用与环境生物学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期678-683,共6页 Chinese Journal of Applied and Environmental Biology
基金 中国科学院知识创新工程重大项目(No.KSCX1-YW-09-08) 国家科技支撑计划重点项目(Nos.2007BAD89B18 2009BADC6B03) 南京师范大学"211工程"重点学科建设项目(No.1843203623)资助~~
关键词 伯克霍尔德菌属 解磷菌 微生物肥料 红壤性水稻土 Burkholderia sp. phosphate-solubilizing bacterium microorganism fertilizer red paddy soil
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