[目的]研究大扁杏叶片水浸提液对5种作物的化感效应。[方法]采用种子萌发试验法,测定了大扁杏叶片水浸提液对玉米、谷子、花生、大豆和苜蓿5种作物种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感效应。[结果]大扁杏叶片水浸提液对苜蓿、花生种子的萌发存在抑制作用,对玉米、谷子种子的萌发有一定的促进作用,大豆表现出"低浓度抑制,高浓度促进"的浓度效应。大扁杏叶片水浸提液对5种作物幼苗根部生长均有抑制作用,且随着浓度的增加,抑制作用逐渐加强。各浓度处理对花生、苜蓿的幼苗地上生长存在营养作用,玉米、谷子有"低浓度促进,高浓度抑制"的浓度效应。当处理浓度为0.010 mg/L时,除苜蓿外,其他受体作物幼苗鲜重均为化感正效应峰值。综合分析各项生长指标,大扁杏叶片水浸提液对苜蓿幼苗生长有抑制作用,作用效果随浓度增加而增强,其他作物表现出"低浓度促进,高浓度抑制"的浓度效应,其中各浓度处理对花生化感效应综合敏感指数影响较小。[结论]该研究为以大扁杏为主要经济树种的"林果粮"、"林果草"等高效立体生态农业模式的推广提供了理论依据。
[Objective] The research aimed to study the allelopathic effects of water extract from Armeniaca sibiria × vulgaris leaves to five kinds of crops.[Method] By using the seed germination test,the allelopathic effects of water extract from Armeniaca sibiria × vulgaris leaves to the seed germinations and seedling growths of five crops were measured.Five crops were maize,millet,peanut,soybean and alfalfa.[Result] The water extract from Armeniaca sibiria × vulgaris leaves showed the inhibition effects on the seed germinations of alfalfa and peanut,and had the certain promoting effects on the seed germinations of maize and millet.The soybean showed the concentration effect of "inhibition at the low concentration and promoting at the high concentration".The water extract had the inhibition effect on the root growths of five crops seedlings.Moreover,as the concentration increased,the inhibition effect gradually strengthened.Each concentration treatment had the nutrition effects on the ground growths of peanut and alfalfa seedlings.Maize and millet had the concentration effect of "promoting at the low concentration and inhibition at the high concentration".When the treatment concentration was 0.010 mg/L,except alfalfa,the fresh weights of other crops seedlings were all the peak of allelopathic positive effect.Every growth index was analyzed comprehensively.The water extract had the inhibition effect on the growth of alfalfa seedling,and the effect strengthened as the concentration increased.Other crops presented the concentration effect of "promoting at the low concentration and inhibition at the high concentration".The influence of each concentration treatment on RIT of peanut was small.[Conclusion] The research provided the theory basis for the popularization of "forest fruit grain" and "forest fruit grass" efficient three-dimensional ecological agricultural mode that Armeniaca sibiria × vulgaris was the main economic tree species.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Armeniaca sibiria
Water extract of leaves
Allelopathic effect