
叙事策略的转变与华裔群体构建——从《女勇士》到《孙行者》 被引量:1

Transition of Narrative Strategy and Creating of a Chinese American Community——The Woman Warrior versusTripmaster Monkey
摘要 《女勇士》的性别政治在某种程度上加速了华裔群体的分裂,而随着地位的确立和写作视野的开阔,汤亭亭在《孙行者》中关注华裔群体的建设。在叙事策略上,《孙行者》用跨性别的复合式的多重叙事声音替代了《女勇士》中个人型的女性叙事声音。在汤亭亭这个自身隐含作者的操纵之下,通过神秘叙事者观音、男主人公惠特曼的声音,《孙行者》既未湮没男性的声音也未牺牲女性的利益,而是融入华裔群体内各种声音。通过跨性别的复合式叙事策略,《孙行者》消解了性别的二元对立,提供了两性和解的想象空间,使男女两性从政治对抗走向政治联盟成为可能。《孙行者》表达了对建设一个兼容并包的和谐的华裔群体社会的强烈愿望。 The gender politics in The Woman Warrior reinforces to some extent the division among Chinese Americans. Well established in the American canon, Kingston's horizon is broadened, so she shows great concerns for the creating of a Chinese American community in her work Tripmaster Monkey. In narrative strategy, TripmasterMonkey adopts the cross-gender complex voices replacing the individual female voice in The Woman Warrior. Under the manipulation of the female authorial persona, Kingston herself, through incorporating the voices of the omniscient female narrator Kuanyin and also the male protagonist Wittman, without silencing the male voices or sacrificing the feminist interests, Kingston incorporates almost all the voices in the Chinese American community. With the crossgender complex narrative voices, Tripmaster Monkey deconstructs the binary oppositions as male and female, provides an imaginary space for the possible reconciliation of gender, and moves from a politics of opposition to a politics of coalition; TripmasterMonkey strongly expresses the ideas about the creating of an all-inclusive and harmonious Chinese American community.
作者 张伟华
出处 《合肥工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2011年第5期67-72,共6页 Journal of Hefei University of Technology(Social Sciences)
基金 福建省教育厅社会科学研究资助项目(JA10196S) 漳州师范学院科学研究资助项目(SS09006)
关键词 《孙行者》 跨性别 复合式叙事 两性和解 华裔群体构建 Tripmaster Monkey cross-gender complex narrative voice gender reconciliatiom creating of Chinese American community
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