
电力电子电抗器阻抗变换研究 被引量:4

Research on Impedance Conversion of Power Electronic Reactor
摘要 为了使电抗器的电抗值连续可调,设计了一种新的电力电子电抗器:将传统机械式电抗器的单边绕组结构设计成双边绕组结构,由电抗变换器及电力电子阻抗变换器组成。阻抗变换控制器通过控制其二次绕组的电流及阻抗,来改变一次绕组的电流和阻抗。这种结构具有高低压隔离、电抗器电抗值平滑变化的优点,可用于高压电机软起动、谐波抑制、无功功率补偿等领域,具有广阔的应用前景。介绍了电力电子电抗器的构建和拓扑结构,着重分析了电力电子电抗器的阻抗变换机理,并运用Matlab/Simulink仿真软件,对电力电子电抗器的阻抗变换进行了仿真。仿真结果表明,电力电子电抗器的阻抗变换理论是正确的。 A new power electronic reactor is developed in order to get continuously variable reactance. The power electronic reactor is designed to have two windings which are different from the single winding structure of traditional reactor based on mechanical type. It consists of reactor converter and power electronic impedance converter. The current and impedance of primary winding are changed with the current and impedance of secondary winding which are controlled by the controller. This structure has many advantages, such as isolation high voltage from low voltage, reactance smooth change. It can be used in soft start of high voltage motor, harmonic suppression, reactive power compensation and has a wide field of application with good prospects. This paper describes the construction and topology of the power electronic reactor. Impedance conversion mechanism is analyzed in detail. The simulations of impedance conversion of power electronic reactor are made using Matlab/Simulink. The simulation results show that the theory of impedance conversion is correct.
出处 《武汉理工大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第10期127-130,共4页 Journal of Wuhan University of Technology
基金 国家科技部科技人员服务企业行动项目(2009GJD10042) 湖北省科技攻关项目(2006AA101B27)
关键词 电力电子电抗器 阻抗变换 MATLAB仿真 power electronic reactor impedance conversion Matlab simulation
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