
铝制发动机盖行人保护分析与结构优化策略 被引量:2

Pedestrian protection analysis and structural optimization strategy of aluminum hood
摘要 基于行人碰撞保护标准在汽车设计中的要求,将铝材料应用于发动机盖,通过CAE仿真分析了铝制发动机盖和钢制发动机盖对行人碰撞头部伤害标准HIC。对铝制发动机盖的结构提出了优化策略,以达到碰撞时保护行人的目的。 Based on the requirements of pedestrian impact protection standards in automotive design,the aluminum is applied in hood.By CAE simulation,the injury that aluminum hood and steel hood on the head of pedestrian by crashing is analyzed.The structural policy of aluminum hood′s structure is put forward,which can get the purpose of the collision protection.
作者 韩淑洁 闫辉
出处 《机械研究与应用》 2011年第5期100-102,共3页 Mechanical Research & Application
关键词 行人保护 铝制发动机盖 结构优化 pedestrian protection aluminum hood structural optimization
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