There are three different mechanisms at least well known to produce a reactive component of the field impedance of a EM-wave propagated in a homogeneous medium——plane wave in a dissipative medium,plane wave in an ionised gas,guided wave modes.In particular,attention is called to microwave propagation in a lossy medium(such as a semiconductor),in plasma,and in a waveguide operated below cutoff.In each of these cases,the storage fields of oppositely directed travelling waves may interact to produce a net flow of power,i.e.the incident and reflected fields of purely evanescent character interact to produce a flow of energy,even though each field separately carries no power.In this paper,the optical fiber is target of discussion,the ray theory is allied with another method——the wave modes theory.We give good results in analysis.Then,we can strictly distinguish between the two different types of radiation:the leaky modes and the refraction waves.It is well known,E.Schrdinger was the greatest contribution scientist of Wave Mechanics.The Schrdinger Equation(SE) not only can treat the movement of microscopic particles,but also can analysed some of the macroscopic scientific problems,such as the optical fiber.Many differential equations occurring in mathematical physics are reducible to the from ξ2ψ″+p2ψ=0.In the present paper,the approximate method of Wentzel、Kramers、Brillouim and Jeffreys is applied to the graded refraction indexoptical fiber,and the method is devised for adapting the solutions to the case of quantum wave equation(SE).
Journal of Communication University of China:Science and Technology