

New Botnet Propagation Model with Immunity
摘要 僵尸网络是一种从传统恶意代码进化而来的新型攻击方式,已成为Internet安全的一个重大威胁。僵尸网络传播模型是研究僵尸程序传播特性最常用的一种方法,当前僵尸网络的主流传播模型并没有考虑到部分主机的免疫特性,因而目前的这些主流传播模型对僵尸程序在Internet上的传播特性反应得不够准确。提出了一种新的具有免疫特征的僵尸网络传播模型。该模型基于Internet的实际情况,重点考虑了Internet中部分脆弱主机由于提前从易感染的网络中移除而具有免疫特征。仿真结果表明,基于免疫特征的僵尸网络传播模型更符合真实Interne网络中僵尸程序的传播规律和感染特性。 Botnet is a novel attack mode evolved from the traditional malicious softwares,currently it has become a major threat to Internet.The propagation model of botnet is the most common method to study the spreading features of bots,but current botnets' propagation models don't consider characteristics of some hosts' immunity,so these propagation models can not exactly describe how the bots spread on the Internet.In this paper,a new botnet propagation model with the immunity was proposed.This model carefully considerates about the real situation of the Internet,especially immunity of the host which removed from the susceptible network in advance.Simulation result shows that the botnet propagation model with immunity more exactly satisfies the practical propagation laws and infection characteristics of bot on Internet.
作者 黄彪 谭良
出处 《计算机科学》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第B10期72-75,共4页 Computer Science
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目(60970113)资助
关键词 僵尸网络 僵尸程序 传播模型 免疫 Botnet Bot Propagation model Immunity
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