目的探讨两种周疗放化疗方案同步治疗晚期宫颈癌的疗效。方法随机分组:①A组:TC方案,每周予紫杉醇(60~80mg/m2)1次,共6次;第1周和第4周予卡铂(剂量按肾小球滤过率及AUC=5确定,若﹤400mg则按实际计算量给药,若>400mg则按400mg給量),化疗当天结束后1 h内予体外放疗。②B组:DDP方案,每周予顺铂(40mg/m2)1次,共6次,化疗当天结束后1 h内予体外放疗。A、B组均采用根治性放疗(体外放疗+192Ir腔内放疗),每周周一至周五放疗。结果 TC方案的近期疗效比DDP方案好(P<0.05),局部复发及远处转移率低,3年生存率高,毒副作用无明显增加。结论 TC周疗放化疗同步治疗方案可提高晚期宫颈癌的疗效。
Objective To investigate the effects of two kind of weekly concurrent chemoradiation therapy on advanced cervical cancer. Methods Randomly divided into A and B groups: (1) A group: TC program was carried out to use Paclitaxel (60 - 80mg/m2) once a week, 6 times. First week and fourth week administrated Carboplatin ( the dosage was determined by the condition of glomerular filtration rate and AUC - 5, actual calculated dosage was given if 〈 400mg and 400rag was given if 〉400rag). Radiotherapy was offered in lh after chemotherapy ended. (2) B group: DDP program was carried out to use Cisplatin (40mg/m2) once a week, 6 times. Radiotherapy was offered in lh after chemotherapy ended. Radical radiotherapy (radiotherapy plus 192Ir intracavity) from Monday to Friday was taken in both of the groups. Results The short - term effect of TC program was better that of DDP ( P 〈 0.05). The TC group showed lower local reoccurrence and distant metastasis, higher 3 years surviving and fewer side effects than DDP group. Conclusion TC program for weekly concurrent chemoradiation therapy is obviously promoting the effect of treatment to advanced cervical cancer.
Journal of Qinghai Medical College
Cervical cancer Weekly therapy Concurrent chemoradiation therapy