

The Religion in a Civic Society:A Study on Robert Wuthnow's Model of Multi-dimensional Analysis
摘要 上世纪80年代末以来,宗教社会学研究逐步突破了世俗化理论的桎梏,从更为宽广的视角考察宗教与现代社会的关系问题。其中,公民社会视域下的宗教研究,是20世纪80年代以来西方宗教社会学领域的重要进展之一。与偏重于政治角度的研究不同,以罗伯特·伍斯诺为代表的一类学者主张对这一主题进行多维度分析,这些维度主要包括构成公民社会外部压力的政治、经济维度以及体现公民社会内部挑战的多元化与共同体维度。在大量经验研究基础上,伍斯诺对作为公民社会要素的宗教在应对这些压力和挑战时的角色和结果作了深入分析,中立客观地揭示了宗教在不同层面、不同领域对现代社会的复杂影响。目前,这位重要学者的思想理论,在国内尚未引起重视,因此较完整地介绍伍斯诺的宗教-公民社会理论,可以为当前中国宗教与公民社会研究提供新的理论视角与理论资源。 To analyze religion in the perspective of civil society is an important progress in Western sociology of religion since the 1980s.Disagreeing with political analyses in the area,Robert Wuthnow advocates a multi-dimensional analysis on this issue.His framework includes:dimensions of politics and economy which compose external pressures on the civil society;the dimensions of diversity and community which challenge the civil society from the inside.Robert Wuthnow studies roles and consequences of religion as an element of civil society,when replying to these challenges and pressures.It is regretted that we haven't paid enough attention to this important scholar's theory and thought.This paper tries to make a relatively complete comment on Robert Wuthnow's studies of religion and civil society,thus providing rich theoretical resources for a further study on Chinese religion and construction of civil society.
作者 黄海波
出处 《华东师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期8-14,151,共7页 Journal of East China Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 国家社科基金项目"当代美国宗教社会学思潮研究"(项目编号:04BJ018)阶段性成果
关键词 宗教 公民社会 多维分析 religion,civil society,multi-dimensional analysis
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  • 1Robert Wuthnow, Christianity and civil society: the contemporary debate, Trinity Rress International,Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, 1996, p.2;p. 18,p. 31;p.21;p.44;p. 26.
  • 2Mark Chaves, Secularization as Declining Religious Authority, Social Forces, Vol. 72 ( 3 ) , 1994, pp. 749--774.
  • 3David Herbert, Relingion and Civil Society: Rethinking public Religion in Contemporary work, Ashgate Publishing Compang, 2003, p5.
  • 4Michael R. Welch, The Radius of Trust : Religion, Social Embeddedness and Trust in Strangers, Social Forces. Vol. 86 ( 1 ), 2007,pp. 23-46.
  • 5Robert Wathnow, Christianity and civil society : the contemporary debate, p. 34.
  • 6Robert Wuthnow, Edited, Rethinking Materialism-Perspectives on the Spiritual Dimension of Economic Behavior. Win. B. Eerdmans Publishing Co. 1995 ,p. 8.
  • 7Robert Wuthnow, Sharing the Journey: Support Groups and America's New Quest for Community, New York: Free Press, 1994, pp. 39-118.
  • 8Robert Wuthnow, God and Mammon in America,p. 198.
  • 9Robert Wuthnow, God and Mammon in America,pp. 218-225 ;pp. 5-7 ;pp. 265-266 ;p267.
  • 10Robert Wuthnow, Christianity and Givil Society; the contemporary debate, p. 29.








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