
依法科学管理频谱资源 共同维护空中电波秩序 全面推动我国工业化和信息化深度融合发展——纪念《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》颁布十八周年

Comprehensively promote the convergence development of China's industrialization and informatizaion
摘要 1993年9月,国务院、中央军委颁布了《中华人民共和国无线电管理条例》(以下简称《条例》),诞生了我国首部无线电管理法规。在过去的十八年里,《条例》的实施推动我国无线电事业实现了跨越式发展,并为促进经济社会发展、服务国防建设、维护社会稳定作出了重要贡献。2011年,我国踏上了"十二五"的新征程,无线电管理工作肩负的使命和任务也更加艰巨。在《条例》颁布十八周年之际,回顾我国无线电管理走向法制化的历史,对于进一步科学管理频谱资源,维护空中电波秩序,开创无线电管理的新局面具有十分重要的意义。 In September 1993,the State Council and the Central Military Commission promulgated the 'Radio Regulations of the People's Republic of China' (hereinafter referred to as 'the Regulation'),giving the birth of the first rules on radio.In the past eighteen years,the implementation of the Regulation has promoted the development of China's radio industry in leaps and bounds,and has made a great contribution to economic and social development,the national defense and the social stability.In 2011,China embarked on the new journey of 'the Twelfth Five-year Plan' with much tougher task assumed on the radio administration.At the occasions when the Regulation has been in effect for 18 years,it is very important to look back at the history and to find further measures in managing spectrum resources and maintaining order in the airwaves,which are as follows.First,scientifically planning and effectively allocating the frequency resources,to serve the economic and social development and national defense;Second,formulate the management of radio stations and radio transmission equippments to reduce interference risks;Third,ensuring the radio security and maintain order in the airwaves;Fourth,facilitating the radio frequency coordination along border zones and among international satellite networks to safeguard national interests;Fifth,promoting the construction of radio administration facilities to enhance the capacity of radio regulation.
作者 刘利华
机构地区 工业和信息化部
出处 《世界电信》 2011年第9期14-19,6,共6页 World Telecommunications
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