目的建立自由活动大鼠颈内静脉置管的动物模型并进行评价。方法 50只SD大鼠,麻醉满意后颈项部备皮,大鼠仰卧位,碘伏消毒铺单,切开皮肤及皮下组织,钝性分离暴露右侧颈内静脉,置入充满肝素盐水(100μ/ml)的Hydrocoat导管,导管尖端达右心房,逐层缝合,固定和封闭导管末端。大鼠恢复3d,每天用100μl肝素盐水冲管并称体重。3 d后持续输注瑞芬太尼10μg/(kg.min),观察大鼠有无镇静镇痛作用及肌肉僵硬的表现。结果导管置入成功率100%,3d后导管脱落10%,术后无感染、出血、血气胸和体重下降等并发症。结论自由活动大鼠颈内静脉置管的动物模型简单方便,成功率高,适于持续静脉给药的药物研究。
Objective To establish and evaluate of right internal jugular vein catheterization model in free-running rats.Methods Fifty Sprague-Dawley rats were performed to establish right internal jugular vein catheterization models.Skins in neck and nape were prepared,sterilized with iodophors and covered with a sterile hole carbasus under pentobarbital anesthesia.An incision was made near the right carotid artery.The right internal jugular vein was isolated by blunt dissection.Hydrocoat catheter,pre-filled with 100 IU/ml heparinized saline,was advanced softly through a small hole punctured.Terumo needle so that its tip extended into the right atrium.After securing of the catheter to the vessel with,the end of catheter was tunneled under the skin,exteriorized and fixed to the nape skin.Animals were returned individually to the standard cages and allowed to recover for 3 days after suturation.During the recovery,the catheters were washed with heparinized saline and rats were measured their weights everyday.We observed the effects of sedation,analgesia and muscles stiff by intravenous continuous infusion of remifentanil(10 μg·kg-1·min-1) throμgh the indwelling venous catheters in order to evaluate the location of catheter 3 days later.Results The rate of success for implanting jugular vein catheter was 100%.The rate of falling off catheter was 10%.Other complications of catheterization were not found.Conclusion This method of establishment of right internal jugular vein catheterization model in free-running rats is easy and convenient with the high achievement ratio.It is very useful to study the characteristics of any medicine through intravenous continuous administration.
Ningxia Medical Journal
Animal model
Internal jugular vein