Objective To provide the theoretical basis for the treatment of posterior malleolus fracture by investigate the stress variation and displacement trend of tibial astragaloid joint at still stand position with 3D finite element model of ankle, which has suffered the posterior malleolus fracture. Methods The 3D finite element model of ankle with cartilage was established with a set of the normal standing human ankle CT images as primitive data. The model was validated and after the CT image of tibial astragaloid joint was zoned and cut into different range fracture in normal stress loading cases, we simulated the articular cartilage contact area, max contact press, mean contact press and max displacement. Results With the increase of the fracture area, the contact area of tibial articular cartilage decreased, the contact stress of the joint and relative displacement increased gradually. As the fracture area exceeded third, the joint load area decreased obviously and the joint displacement trend increased. Conclusions As the fracture area is more than third, the articular cartilage contact area and contact stress change obviously, which results in bad prognosis and in need of surgical operation.
Beijing Biomedical Engineering
ankle joint
finite element analysis
fracture area
stress analysis