Based on the investigation of Illex argentinus resources in the high seas of Southwest Atlantic Ocean from January 2008 to March 2009, the fishing technology was analyzed. The results showed that the fishing efficiency varied with 3 kinds of different fishhooks, of which the catch rate of colored hooks made in Korea was 25.22% higher than the hooks made in China in the daytime, whereas the hooks made in China was 46.26% higher than the colored hooks at night; The catch rate of horniness hooks made in Korea was higher than the hooks made in China in all-day, especially at night, the catch rate of horniness hooks made in Korea showed more than 40% higher; The difference of catch rate showed inconspicuous among hooks made in China, colored hooks and horniness hooks made in Korea under peak period of fishing season. The catch rate of I. atgentinus were different with varied color of hooks made in China, of which the fuscous hooks were more effective than the light-colored in shallow ocean, whereas the results showed almost opposite in deep ocean. The catch rate of I. argentinus with rhombus windlass were higher than the circular when the fishing condition was ordinary or poor, and it was pretty much the same in peak period of fishing season from March to May. The catch rate also varied with different position of fishing machines, while the mid-ship was the position of the highest catch.
Journal of Zhejiang Ocean University(Natural Science Edition)
lllex argentinus
fishing technology
Southwest Atlantic Ocean