
住宅辐射-送风末端冷负荷分担率研究——从热舒适及室内空气品质角度 被引量:5

Sharing Rate of Cooling Load of Radiant Terminal Device and Air Supply Terminal Device in Residential Buildings——From the Perspective of Thermal Comfort and Indoor Air Quality
摘要 以住宅建筑为研究对象,针对低、中、高负荷3种不同住宅负荷工况,对不同冷负荷条件下不同负荷分担率下的室内热环境进行了数值模拟,分别分析比较不同冷负荷分担率匹配时室内热舒适性水平及室内空气品质情况,从舒适和健康的角度,分析适宜的冷负荷分担率范围。研究结果表明辐射供冷末端承担的显热负荷分担率ωc<0.7时,可将工作区人体热舒适性指标控制在舒适性标准允许范围内。从避免局部不舒适度方面讲,ωc宜取0.4~1。从室内空气品质角度讲,定风量模式低中负荷工况,ωc宜取0.5~0.9,高负荷工况,ωc宜取0.35~0.6;变风量模式,ωc值越小,室内空气品质越好。 Taking residential buildings as the study objects, for three different residential load types such as low load, medium load, and high load type, indoor thermal environments of different load sharing-rates are simulated, respectively. Indoor thermal comfort and indoor air quality of different load sharing-rates are also analyzed and evaluated. And the appropriate range of cooling load sharing-rates are given from the view of both occupants' thermal comfort and occupants' health. When ωo(the sensible heat load sharing rate of the radiant terminal device) d0.7, the human thermal index in work region can be controlled within the range of thermal comfort standard. From the point of avoiding local discomfort, ωc is suggested to take 0.4 --1. As regard to indoor air quality, for the constant air volume mode, ωc is suggested to take 0.5-0.9 under low and middle load conditions, and ωc is suggested to take 0.35--0.6 under high load conditions. For the variable air volume mode, the smaller the value of ωc is, the better indoor air quality is.
作者 隋学敏 张旭
出处 《土木建筑与环境工程》 CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期114-120,共7页 Journal of Civil,Architectural & Environment Engineering
基金 "十一.五"国家科技支撑计划重大项目(2006BAJ01A05 2006BAJ01B05) 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金(CHD2010JC025) 长安大学基础研究支持计划专项资金 干旱 半干旱地区水资源与国土环境实验室开放基金
关键词 辐射供冷 送风 冷负荷分担率 热舒适 空气品质 radiant cooling air supply sharing rate of cooling load thermal comfort air quality
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