
新概念认知声纳初步研究 被引量:2

A New Concept Sonar——Cognitive Sonar
摘要 传统主动声纳系统在处理目标反射回波时,没有考虑到声纳接收机感知的环境信息和目标特性的先验知识对发射机的影响,发射信号参数固定,因此很难获得理想的探测结果。本文通过对声纳基本原理和关键技术的深入研究,受蝙蝠回声定位系统的启发,从理论上提出了一种基于知识理论的智能声纳系统方案——认知声纳。它能够根据环境变化和对目标特性的先验知识对发射机和接收机进行联合自适应控制,使声纳系统工作处于最优状态,提高对水下目标信号的探测和识别能力。 Sonar system performance to some extent depends on the marine environment and the target characteristics from sonar receiver.In dealing with echoes,a conventional active sonar system takes no account of the influences of environmental information and prior knowledge of target characteristics perceived by sonar receiver on the transmitter,and its transmitting signal parameters are fixed,which leads to a difficulty in obtaining desired detection.In this paper,inspired by bat's echolocation system,a cognition-based intelligent sonar system,named cognitive sonar(CS),is pro-posed based on the basic principle and key technology of sonar.The cognitive sonar is capable of jointly optimizing the transmitted waveforms and received echoes according to the environmental variation and the prior knowledge to sig-nificantly improve its target detection and identification performance underwater.
出处 《鱼雷技术》 2011年第5期337-343,共7页 Torpedo Technology
基金 陕西省留学回国人员科研基金(SLZ2008006) 声纳技术国防科技重点实验室基金
关键词 水下目标 蝙蝠回声定位 认知声纳 目标特性 underwater target bat echolocation cognitive sonar(CS) target characteristic
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