
一种复杂环境下多目标航迹起始算法及性能研究 被引量:3

A New Algorithm for Track Initiation Suitable for Multiple Target Tracking under Intensive Clutters and Its Performance Analysis
摘要 通过对修正逻辑航迹起始算法的研究,针对密集杂波环境下航迹起始的复杂性问题,采用了一种新的高效起始算法。利用位置信息形成可能航迹,在后续扫描周期利用航迹的状态估计信息形成一种椭圆关联门,同时在航迹外推形成V字的区域加以角度约束,并采用灰度信息剔除背景杂波,最终在高噪声下形成一条正确的起始航迹。通过对算法性能指标进行理论推导和仿真分析,结果表明,与修正的逻辑航迹起始算法相比,在密集杂波环境下,新算法正确航迹起始概率有了明显提高,并具有更低的虚假航迹起始概率,有更好的起始性能。 Aim. The introduction of the full paper reviews some papers in the open literature and then proposes an algorithm, which we believe to be new, for track initiation mentioned in the above title. Section 1 presents the three - step procedure of the algorithm; its core consists of: ( 1 ) the algorithm forms potential tracks of multiple targets with the location information and then uses the state estimation information to calculate their elliptic associated regions in the subsequent scanning period; (2) it exercises angle constraints to delete the return values where V - shape tracks may form; (3) it uses the grey information to remove the background clutters, thus forming correct initial tracks. To perform the statistic analysis of the performance indexes of the algorithm, section 2 deduces the correct track probability and the false track initiation probability under intensive clutters. Section 3 simulates the performance of the algorithm ; the simulation results, given in Figs. 1 and 2, and their analysis show preliminarily that : ( 1 ) our new algorithm outperforms the existing modified logic algorithm ; (2) the false track probability decreases a great deal under intensive clutters; (3) the track detection probability is especially high.
出处 《西北工业大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期676-680,共5页 Journal of Northwestern Polytechnical University
基金 航空科学基金(2008ZCS53030)资助
关键词 航迹起始 修正逻辑 正确航迹起始概率 虚假航迹起始概率 algorithms, simulation, probability, state estimation, numerical methods, clutters, targets, statistics, analysis, track initiation, gray information, false track probability
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