
基本药物可及性的规制机制分析 被引量:3

Analysis on regulation mechanism of accessibility to essential drugs
摘要 分析我国基本药物可及性规制中的经济性规制和社会性规制,发现单一的经济规制或社会规制不足以有效解决基本药物可及性中的问题,如经济性规制中的价格调控过程缺乏合适的补偿机制导致基本药物供需双向短缺,"统购统销"缺乏明确的规章制度导致效率问题的出现等;社会性规制中的基本药物制度的有关规定不够细化和明确及法律效力不够,缺乏引导服从的奖惩机制等。认为经济规制与社会规制应配合使用、协调进行,"药品降价"与"多渠道补偿"配合、"统购统销"与强制性的法律法规配套,通过经济规制为社会规制的展开准备良好的市场环境。 To analyze the economic regulation and social regulation in the regulation mechanism of the accessibility to the essential drugs and fred that it is not enough to solve the problems of the accessibility to essential drugs only by economic regulation or social regulation. For example, the lack of right compensatory mechanism during the price control in economic regulation could cause the bidirectional shortage of supply and demand for essential drugs and the lack of clear rules and regulations in "state monopoly over purchase and marketing" could bring the problem of inefficiency and so on. The law of essential drugs system in the social regulation is short of detailed and clear provisions, legal forces, and rewards and punishments system. Therefore, we consider that economic regulation and social regulation should be used in conjunction with coordinated, "drugs price reduction" should be in coordination with "multiple channel compensation", "state monopoly over purchase and marketing" should be in coordination with strict rules and regulations, and economic regulation could provide a nice market circumstances for social regulation.
出处 《现代药物与临床》 CAS 2011年第5期415-420,共6页 Drugs & Clinic
关键词 基本药物 可及性 经济性规制 社会性规制 药品政策 essential drugs accessibility economic regulation social regulation drug policy
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