
基于ProVerif的安全协议形式化分析与验证 被引量:1

Formal Analysis and Verification of Security Propertiesof Security Protocols in ProVerif
摘要 形式化方法是分析与验证安全协议属性的强有力的工具。在对一阶定理证明器ProVerif深入研究的基础上,对简化的Needham-Schroeder认证协议进行了形式化分析。 Formal method is a powerful tool of analysis and verification of security properties of security protocols.In this paper,based on the first-order theorem prover ProVerif researched deeply,we analyzed the simplified Authentication Protocol Needham-Schroeder by formal method.
作者 汪卫
出处 《计算机安全》 2011年第10期41-44,共4页 Network & Computer Security
关键词 形式化 NEEDHAM-SCHROEDER 自动化证明 应用PI演算 formal method Needham-Schroeder automatic proof applied Pi calculus
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