
城市碳足迹定义与计算方法研究 被引量:5

Research on definition of urban Carbon Footprint and its calculation methods
摘要 阐述了碳足迹的定义,在现有研究成果的基础上分析了碳足迹的内涵,提出了适合中国国情的碳足迹计算方法,分别计算了上海、天津、重庆和沈阳的碳足迹及碳足迹强度,对促进低碳城市建设具有一定的指导意义。 The paper illustrates the definition of the Carbon Footprint,analyzes the connotation for the Carbon Footprint based on the current research results,points out the calculation methods for the Carbon Footprint which is fit for the situation in China,and calculates the Carbon Footprints in Shanghai,Tianjin,Chongqing and Shenyang and the strength of the Carbon Footprint,so as to have the direction significance for enhancing the construction of low carbon cities.
出处 《山西建筑》 2011年第32期185-186,共2页 Shanxi Architecture
关键词 碳足迹 碳足迹强度 计算方法 Carbon Footprint strength of Carbon Footprint calculation methods
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