
Product-design knowledge retrieval based on ontology 被引量:3

Product-design knowledge retrieval based on ontology
摘要 In order to improve the utilization ratio of knowledge retrieval, a product-design knowledge retrieval approach based on ontology is proposed. A representation model of product-design knowledge is proposed according to its characteristics. Domain ontology of product-design is estab- lished and the semantic annotation technology is used to connect the design knowledge and ontolo- gy. A new semantic annotation format is developed and semantic information of the design knowl- edge is enriched by making use of ontology. On that basis a retrieval algorithm is designed for semantic retrieval. Finally, this approach is used in a knowledge management system for military-vehi- cle design and its effectiveness and feasibility are validated. Results show that the recall ratio and the precision ratio of knowledge retrieval are improved greatly and users' requirements in semantic retrieval are satisfied. In order to improve the utilization ratio of knowledge retrieval, a product-design knowledge retrieval approach based on ontology is proposed. A representation model of product-design knowledge is proposed according to its characteristics. Domain ontology of product-design is estab- lished and the semantic annotation technology is used to connect the design knowledge and ontolo- gy. A new semantic annotation format is developed and semantic information of the design knowl- edge is enriched by making use of ontology. On that basis a retrieval algorithm is designed for semantic retrieval. Finally, this approach is used in a knowledge management system for military-vehi- cle design and its effectiveness and feasibility are validated. Results show that the recall ratio and the precision ratio of knowledge retrieval are improved greatly and users' requirements in semantic retrieval are satisfied.
出处 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 2011年第3期379-386,共8页 北京理工大学学报(英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Defence Research Foundation(41234)
关键词 knowledge retrieval semantic information product-design knowledge ONTOLOGY knowledge retrieval semantic information product-design knowledge ontology
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