
语文课程理念的传播和理解——感知课程视角的分析 被引量:2

The Disseminating and Understanding of Chinese Curriculum Conceptions from the Perspective of Perceived Curriculum
摘要 通过揭示语文课程改革中三个主要的课程感知群体——教科书编写者、培训者和教师对语文课程理念的理解特征,描述课程理念在传播过程中经历的改变的异同,采用量化和质化方法,搜集结构性访谈和调查问卷等数据进行分析。结果发现,编写者对课程理念持批判性认同,培训者和教师则体现为表面上的赞同。"三维目标融合"理念,培训者和教师对三个维度的看法各有偏重。"自主合作探究的学习方式"理念,编写者、培训者和教师都认为"自主"是基础。认为"综合性学习"概念较笼统。课程理念的表述方式、感知者的个人因素(身份、年龄等)、地区差异、考试或评价方式等都对课程感知产生影响。为搞好语文课程改革,应厘清课程理念所使用的概念之间的界限,加强课程培训。 This study reveals the characteristics of the understanding of Chinese curriculum conceptions in three main groups in Chinese curriculum reform, namely, the textbook writers, the teacher trainers and the teachers and depicts the similarities and differences in the changes that occurred in the dissemination of the curriculum conceptions. Qualitative and quantitative research methods were adopted in the study. The analysis of the data collected through structured interview and questionnaires show that textbook writers critically agreed with the conceptions, while the teacher trainers and teachers only partially agreed with the conceptions. As for the conception "integration of the three-dimension targets", teacher trainers and teachers inclined to emphasize different dimension of the conception. As for the conception "independent, collaborative and exploratory learning", all the three groups considered "independent learning" as the foundation. The conception of "integrative learning'" was thought to be a general and ambiguous description. The factors influencing the perceived curriculum include the expression patterns of the conceptions, personal factors (such as age, status etc. ), regional differences, and the test or assessment methods and so on. The boundaries between the concepts used in curriculum conceptions should be clarified and curriculum training should be intensified in order to implement the Chinese curriculum reform effectively.
作者 刘彩祥
出处 《教育学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第5期76-84,共9页 Journal of Educational Studies
关键词 课程 语文课程标准 感知课程 课程理念 语文教科书 Chinese curriculum Chinese curriculum standard perceived curriculum dissemination of the curriculum conceptions Chinese textbook
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