
上海市环境污染事故风险受体脆弱性评价研究 被引量:14

Evaluation on the vulnerability of environmental accident risk targets in Shanghai
摘要 从环境风险受体敏感性和适应力两方面构建了脆弱性概念模型,在此基础上,考虑社会经济脆弱性和生态系统脆弱性,选取14个指标构建了上海市环境污染事故风险受体综合脆弱性评价指标体系.研究结果表明:上海市中心城区社会脆弱性较高,而崇明岛、南汇、奉贤的社会经济脆弱性最低;黄浦江上游水源保护区、崇明岛东滩湿地生态系统脆弱性较高,浦东、静安和徐汇的生态系统脆弱性较低.综合考虑社会经济和生态系统脆弱性可知,上海市市中心、青浦淀山湖、黄埔江上游污染事故风险受体综合脆弱性指数较高,而市郊区(如奉贤、嘉定及崇明等地)的综合脆弱度指数较低.研究结果可用于指导上海市的风险管理和污染事故应急防御. Based on the analysis of sensibility and adaptability,the conceptual model of environmental risk targets vulnerability is built in this paper.Additionally,considering the social and ecological vulnerability,14 integrated indices of Shanghai environmental accident risk target vulnerability is also established.The evaluation results show that the social vulnerability of urban area is much higher than suburban areas,with Chongming,Nanhui and Fengxian having lower social vulnerability.Furthermore,the ecologcial vulnerability of upper reach area of Huang-pu River and Chongming Dongtan wetland are higher than other regions.In comparison,Pudong,Jing'an and Xuhui have lower ecological vulnerability.As to the integrated vulnerability,the downtown Shanghai,Dianshan Lake area and upper reach of Huang-pu River are more fragile than other regions,while the integrated vulnerability of Fengxian,Jiading and Chongming are lower.The results can guide environmental risk management and accident emergency response in Shanghai.
出处 《环境科学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2556-2561,共6页 Acta Scientiae Circumstantiae
基金 国家高科技研究发展计划(863)项目(No.2007AA06A404)~~
关键词 上海市 环境风险受体脆弱性 评价指标 概念模型 Shanghai environmental accident risk target vulnerability assessment index conceptual model
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