
障碍与超越:校际网络学生学习共同体构建研究 被引量:3

Barrier and Overstepping: the Study of Structuring of Interschool Online Student Learning Community
摘要 对于义务教育均衡发展这一我国教育体系改革中的重要课题,其发展思路正在从注重经费投入、硬件建设转变到提高教育教学质量、提升义务教育内涵发展水平上来。构建校际网络学生学习共同体便是实践这一思路,进一步促进义务教育均衡发展的新途径。文章在系统分析了其优势与不足的基础上,构建了校际网络学生学习共同体的模型,以期为校际网络学生学习共同体的有效实施提供参考。 In terms of the important research topics of balanced development of compulsory education in educational reform in China, its developing thoughts is changing from emphasizing funds investment and hardware construction to improving the quality of education and teaching and promoting the level of quality development of compulsory education. We need to structure interschool online student learning community, which is a new approach of practicing the thoughts and further boosting balanced development of compulsory education. On the base of system analysis about the superiority and drawback, the text structure the model of interschool online student learning community, in order to offer reference to implementing interschool online student learning community effectively.
出处 《现代教育技术》 CSSCI 2011年第10期69-73,共5页 Modern Educational Technology
基金 河北省社会科学发展研究课题"教育信息化促进城乡义务教育均衡发展理论与实证研究"(编号:201004016)阶段性成果
关键词 校际网络学生学习共同体 模型构建 义务教育均衡发展 interschool online student learning community model structuring balanced development of compulsory education
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