

P&O and dp-P&O United Mppt Method based on Zero-step
摘要 着眼于现今应用最为广泛的扰动观察(P&O)法,针对其不停进行扰动,稳态下在最大功率点附近存在功率小幅波动以及光照强度剧烈变化时可能会做出错误判断的两大缺点,提出了一种在远离MPP时进行多步长快速跟踪、MPP附近时进行自动识别实现零步长来消除功率抖动;并结合dP-P&O法,提出了P&O与dO&O联合法来解决采样前、后半周期环境变化不同时算法判断出错的问题根据所提出的控制算法搭建了仿真模型并进行了实验,证明了改进算法具有很好的跟踪性,效果良好。 It is very important to transmit the maximum power to the grid stable and continuous for the reason of the high cost of photovoltaic power generation. The paper focuses on the two faults of the the most widely used P&O method. First, it has fluctuations in power around the MPP; second, it can get confused and track in wrong direction during rapidly changing irradiation. Then proposes a method that use multi-step fast track when the workpoint far from the MPP, use zero-step to eliminate power fluctuation near the MPP and proposes combined P&O and dP-P&O method to slove the dP&O's drawback when environment change in different way in two different sampling cycle. Then built a simulation model based on the proposed control algorithm and conduct experiments on it. Proved that the improved algorithm has a satisfaied tracking effectiorl.
机构地区 华北电力大学
出处 《华东电力》 北大核心 2011年第10期1737-1740,共4页 East China Electric Power
关键词 最大功率点跟踪 扰动观察法 零步长跟踪 MPPT P&O zero-step tracking PWM
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