
书面调查和网络调查的区别——两种数据收集方法的比较 被引量:18

The Difference Between Print and Web Surveys:A Comparison of Two Data Collection Methodloogies
摘要 随着网络调查的兴起,研究者必须确认网络调查与传统的纸笔调查效果是否相同。从数据收集质量和测量效果两个方面对纸笔调查与网络调查进行了比较。研究发现:纸笔调查与网络调查的测量模型和测量信度没有显著差异,但是,纸笔调查的测量均值高于网络调查,而网络调查的测量误差高于纸笔调查,网络调查的缺失率更低,纸笔调查与网络调查具有测量不变性。 With the widely used of web surveys, the researchesrs must answer the question that whether web surveys and traditional paper--and--pencil(print) surveys provide the different results. This paper compares print surveys and web surveys in term of data collected quality and measurement model. We find that there are noninsignifieant difference in measurement model and reliabiltiy between print and web surveys , but the scale means of print surveys is higher then web surveys, while the measurement error of web surveys is higher then print surveys, we also find that web surveys has lower proportion of missing data. The results show that print and web surveys have measurement invariance. Finally, future research was also discussed.
出处 《统计与信息论坛》 CSSCI 2011年第10期97-103,共7页 Journal of Statistics and Information
基金 国家自然科学基金项目<基于共创价值的互动导向 顾客行为与企业绩效的实证研究>(71172163) 国家自然科学基金项目<基于新营销定义的中国服务业市场导向研究及其实证分析>(70672026) 教育部规划课题<双维度市场导向 创新与企业绩效关系研究>(10YJA630192)
关键词 纸笔调查 网络调查 测量不变性 print surveys web surveys measurement invariance
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