
OWL2 QL存储与应用

Storage and Application of OWL2 QL
摘要 通过对OWL2语法结构和推理方式的分析,提出OWL2基本元素和公理在关系数据库中的存储结构和推理实现方式,将部分推理结果在数据库中进行存储,提高了本体存储和推理的效率,并能对大规模的本体进行存储。通过构建知识管理平台验证了该存储方式的有效性。 The storage structure and reasoning implementations of OWL2 basic elements and axioms stored in the relational database were proposed, by analysis of the OWL2 grammatical structures and reasoning methods. And some consequence was stored in the database to improve the efficiency of ontology storage and inference, with the large-scale ontology stored. At last, the effectiveness of storage is demonstrated by building knowledge management platform.
出处 《世界科技研究与发展》 CSCD 2011年第5期776-779,共4页 World Sci-Tech R&D
关键词 语义网 OW12 QL 关系数据库 本体存储 推理 知识管理 semantic web OWL2 QL relational database ontology storage reasoning knowledge management
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