

Documentation-Based Approach to Reveal Architectural View Conflicts
摘要 软件体系结构由不同的视图组成,每个视图包含不同的体系结构关注点.在软件工程领域中,如何对这些视图进行比对和合并是一项非常重要的研究工作.然而,目前视图比对的主要研究都着眼于视图元素之间的比对,因而并不能有效地发现视图之间的隐含冲突.主要原因是由于不同视图背后隐含着不同的关注点,而关注点之间的冲突并不能显式地在视图中表现出来,因此仅作视图元素比对不能发现这种隐含冲突.针对该问题,提出了一种基于编档的体系结构视图隐含冲突检测方法.在该方法中,通过对设计方法进行建模来捕获体系结构关注点和视图之间的关联关系;以软件体系结构文档作为通用平台,通过4个连续的活动来检测关注点之间的隐含关系;为了支持方法的自动化,就其中出现的关系给出了一套数学定义. Software architecture is represented by different views that are derived from architectural concerns.However,when different design methods are applied to generate different views,implicit conflicts might happen between views,due to neglecting the concern conflicts behind each view.To solve this problem,this study uses the software architecture documentation as a common communication platform and derives the implicit conflicts between different views through a procedure of four activities.In this approach,a guideline is suggested to model the relationship between the concerns and views and a set of mathematical representation that is defined for precisely presenting the relations in order to support the automation of the approach.
出处 《软件学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2011年第11期2577-2592,共16页 Journal of Software
基金 国家自然科学基金(60821003) 国家重点基础研究发展计划(973)(2009CB320703)
关键词 体系结构视图 视图关系 体系结构关注点 质量属性 软件编档 architecture view view relation architectural concern quality attribute software documentation
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