
我国地方政府绩效模型的构建与分析 被引量:7

Construction and Analysis of China's Local Government Performance Model
摘要 本文在归纳政府绩效影响因素的基础上,构建了地方政府绩效模型的一般形式和特殊形式。并通过模型的一般形式进行量化分析、变量分析,对模型的特殊形式进行乘积形式分析、对数形式分析得出提升政府绩效的启示,即:只有在能力转化力为正的情况下,政府绩效才有可能提高;在等绩效线上公示政府绩效,能激励政府绩效的提高;提高政府绩效的关键在于政府能力和能力转化率的共同提高。 Government performance is a very important topic in current public administration research,and improving government performance is a fundamental objective for all the governments,but it is necessary to recognize determinants of government performance.On the basis of induction of affecting factors of government performance,the article constructs the general and special forms of local government performance.Through quantitative and multivariate analysis of the former and the product and the Logarithmic analysis of the latter respectively,we come up with the enlightenments: firstly,only positive government capacity can upgrade government performance;secondly,the publishing of government performance on the equivalent line will encourage the government performance.Finally,the core of promoting government performance is the joint improvement of government capacity and conversion force.
出处 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第11期24-28,共5页 Chinese Public Administration
关键词 地方政府绩效 地方政府能力 转化力 Local Government Performance Local Government Capacity Conversion Force
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