
美国城市教师驻校计划的设计、实施及启示 被引量:3

Preparing Teachers for Urban District:the Urban Teacher Residency in America
摘要 城市教师驻校计划是美国为解决落后学区缺少优质师资的困境,基于大学和选择性教师认证计划培养教师的成功经验,推行的一种全新教师培养方式。分为管理、驻校生招聘和选拔、指导教师选拔和培训、驻校学年、驻校生和毕业生安置,以及驻校年之后等六大阶段。它的成功实施给教师培养在由谁培养、为谁培养和如何培养等问题带来新的思考与启示。 The UTR is a response to the challenges of how to recruit, prepare and retain capable teachers for high-needs urban schools. It is developed based on all the effective experiences of teacher preparation in traditional university-based programs and alternate pathways. It includes elements of management, residential students recruitment, mentor selection, residency year, placement and post-residency. The UTR can tell us something different about by who, for whom and how to prepare teacher.
作者 陶青 卢俊勇
出处 《比较教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第11期27-31,共5页 International and Comparative Education
基金 2011年度国家社会科学基金教育学课题“农村小班化教育改革与城乡义务教育均衡发展对策研究”(课题批准号:CHA110124)阶段性研究成果
关键词 美国 城市学区 教师培养 驻校 America urban district teacher preparation residency
  • 相关文献


  • 1Berry, B., Curtis, R.Creating and Sustaining Urban Teacher Residencies : a New Way to Recruit,Prepare,and Retain Effective Teachers in High-needs Districts.The As- pen Institute, 2008.5,24, 11.
  • 2Solomon,J.The Boston Teacher Residency : District-based Teacher Education.Journal of Teacher Education, 2009,60 (5):478-488.
  • 3Urban Teacher Residency Institute.Quality Standards for Teacher Residency Programs.UTR United, 2009.13,19.
  • 4Harvard Business School.Boston Teacher Residency:Devel- oping a Strategy for Long-term Impact.President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2008.25.
  • 5Berry, B., Montgomery, D.Urhan Teacher Residency Models and Institutes of Higher Education:Implication for Teacher Preparation.the National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education, 2008.15.
  • 6Obama, B.Barack Obama and Joe Biden's Plan for Lifetime Success Through Education.U.S.Department of Education, 2009.7.


  • 1Berry, B.,Curtis,R,Creating and Sustaining Urban Teacher Residencies:a New Way to Recruit,Prepare and Retain Effective Teachers in High-needs Districts. Tile As-pen Institute,2008.5.
  • 2Arne Duncan. The Race to the Top District Competition. [EB/OL].http://www. ed. gov/ news/speeches/race-top-district- competition, 2012-10-11.
  • 3U.S. Department of Education. Office of Planning, Evaluation and Policy Development, ESEA Blueprint for Reform[R].Washington, D.C.: 2010: 1-2.
  • 4周满生.美国教育改革的三大有利因素[EB/OL]http://edu.people.com.cn/h/2012/0218/c227696-3487007439.html,2012-10-18.
  • 5Race to the Top - District Executive Summary EEB/OL].http:// www2. ed. gov/programs/race to the top- district/2012-executive-summary, pdf [9]Education Department Invites Districts to Apply for $400.
  • 6Million Race to the Top Competition to Support Classroom-Level Reform Efforts[EB/OL].http://www. ed. gov/ news/press-releases/education-department- invites-districts-apply-400-million-race-top- competition-su, 2012-10-26.
  • 7Duncan, Arne. A Call to Teaching. Speech given at the University of Virginia[EB/OL]. http://www, ed. gov/news/ speeehes/2009/10/10092009, htm1.2012-10-26.
  • 8Race To The Top District Competition Receives Nearly 900 Applications [EB/OL] http://www, huffingtonpost, com/2012/08/31/ nearly-9OO-distriets-to-a 0 n 1847806. html, 2012-11-12.
  • 9School district pursues 'Race to the Top' [EB/OL]http://www. phillytrib, com/ cityandregionartieles/item/5646-sehool- district-pursues-%E2%80%98race-to-the- top%E2%80%99, html, 2012-11-20.
  • 10U. S. Department of Education Announces 61 Applications as Finalists for $400 Million Race to the Top - District Competition [EB/OL].http://www. ed. gov/news/press- releases/us-department-education-announces-61-applications-finalists-400-million-race- top, 2012-11-25.








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