

Research on the Development of African American Librarianship
摘要 美国黑人图书馆事业在整个美国图书馆事业中占有重要的地位。在黑人馆藏、黑人图书馆员及其教育、独立黑人图书馆、黑人图书馆专业组织及黑人图书馆事业研究等方面要素的推动下,美国黑人图书馆事业大致经历了萌芽、奠基、发展、转折和今天的繁荣时期,黑人图书馆事业的发展历程反映了美国不同历史时期社会对待种族问题的态度,是美国社会民主进程的一个缩影。 African American Librarianship plays an important role in the whole librarianship in the United States. African American Librarianship has gone through the infancy period, the laying period, the development period, the period of turning up to today's boom period, and several factors of collections about African American, African Amer- ican librarians and their education, independent African American libraries, African American professional organiza- tions about librarianship and the research on the African American librarianship promote the development of African American librarianship. The development process of African American librarianship reflects the social attitudes to- wards racial issues during different historical periods in the United States, and the process illustrates the democratic process in American society in microcosm.
作者 冯佳
出处 《国家图书馆学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期82-89,共8页 Journal of The National Library of China
关键词 美国 黑人 图书馆事业 America African American Black Librarianship
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