为研究A-100钢开缝衬套挤压工艺,提高孔的抗疲劳性能,使用X射线衍射方法和中间开孔的板状试样,研究开缝衬套挤压过盈量、挤后铰削量和保温温度对残余压应力场的影响。研究表明,由于孔受挤压发生弹塑性变形而引入切向残余压应力(σh),σh值随开缝衬套挤压过盈量(Ice)增加而显著增大,当Ice为0.4mm时,σh值可达-500 MPa以上。未铰削的挤压试样,孔边缘残余压应力最大,可达到-680MPa,随着铰削量(R)的增大,σh降低,而当绞削量达到0.7mm时,σh仅剩余28%。保温10h后,各点σh值均明显降低,350℃下孔边缘σh仅存14%。
In order to investigate cold expansion with sleeve process(CESP) of A-100 steel and improve the fatigue property of hole,the sample with a hole was prepared,on which the residual stress inducing by CESP was studied by XRD.The influence of interference value of CESP,the amount of material removal and holding temperature on the distribution of residual stress was studied.The results showed that,as the mandrel with sleeve removed from the hole,surrounding of hole generated elastically and plastically deformation,this resulted in a zone around the hole containing residual compressive hoop stress(σh).With the increasing of interference value(Ice) of CESP,σh became higher observably.When Ice reach 0.4 mm,σhcould reach more than-500 MPa.It had the highest σh on the edge of hole without material removal,the value was-680 MPa.In contrast,σh could remain only 28% when the amount of material removal was 0.7 mm.σh would have a significant reduction after both 200 ℃ and 350 ℃ holding for 10 hours.When the temperature was 350 ℃,σh could remain only 14%.
China Surface Engineering