
A Visualization Method of Requirement Checking Based on Software Behavior

A Visualization Method of Requirement Checking Based on Software Behavior
摘要 In order to verify requirements model/document the consistency between software and users' true minds, we present a software behavior-oriented requirements visualization method. The implementation method for software behavior-oriented requirements visualization is advanced in this paper first. Then, the basis language is introduced as the foundation of the method. At last, we put forward the tool platform that can achieve the requirement visualization, The result demonstrates that the method can generate requirement animation rapidly to check the correctness of the requirement. It can effectively reduce the requirements change and save a lot of software development costs. In order to verify requirements model/document the consistency between software and users' true minds, we present a software behavior-oriented requirements visualization method. The implementation method for software behavior-oriented requirements visualization is advanced in this paper first. Then, the basis language is introduced as the foundation of the method. At last, we put forward the tool platform that can achieve the requirement visualization, The result demonstrates that the method can generate requirement animation rapidly to check the correctness of the requirement. It can effectively reduce the requirements change and save a lot of software development costs.
机构地区 School of Computer
出处 《Wuhan University Journal of Natural Sciences》 CAS 2011年第6期507-512,共6页 武汉大学学报(自然科学英文版)
基金 Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (91018009) the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (201121102020006)
关键词 requirements engineering requirement checkingvisualization software viewpoints behavior requirement visuali-zation program requirements engineering requirement checkingvisualization software viewpoints behavior requirement visuali-zation program
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