
支气管哮喘学术源流探讨 被引量:4

Academic Origins of Asthma
摘要 祖国医学对支气管哮喘的认识源远流长,《内经》中即有"喘鸣"等称呼,《金匮》奠定了哮喘辨治的基础。元代朱丹溪首提"哮喘"病名,明清对哮喘的病因病机和治疗逐步发展完善,明代医家提出哮有"宿根",反复发作,治疗宜"扶正祛邪",并对哮与喘进行鉴别。清代医家总结有外邪、起居、饮食引发宿痰而致哮喘,也有遗传因素的"幼稚天哮"。治疗要分发作期和缓解期,要辨寒热虚实,和分肺脾论治,并倡导内外兼治和天灸疗法。 Chinese medicine has a long history of bronchial asthma, it was called "stridor" in endomeridians. "Medical Treasures of the Golden Chamber" laid the foundation for treating asthma. ZHU Danxi called "asthma" as a Disease Name first. Pathogenesis and treatment of asthma gradually developed consummate in Ming and Qing Dynasty. Some views are proposed by the Ming Dynasty physicians such as roaring with "perennial", recurrent, strengthening healthy qi to eliminate pathogens to cure, and identify Asthma and asthma. Qing Doctors concluded there are exogenous pathogens, daily life at home, diet initiat retained phlegm which induced asthma, and there are also exist genetic factors induced asthma, treatment are different to period of onset and paracmasis, and treat according to different etiopathogenisis and entrails, treat internal and external together and use auto-moxibustion are promoted.
机构地区 广州中医药大学
出处 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2011年第11期125-127,共3页 Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
关键词 支气管哮喘 学术源流 bronchial asthma academic origin
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