The "style of the period of Zhenyuan (785 - 804 ) and of Yuanhe ( 806 - 820 ) "is also known as the "style of the period of Zhenyuan and of Changqing (821 -824)", and similarly the "style of the period of Yuanhe and of Changqing" is known for short as the "style of the period of Yuanhe". These terms were extremely popular as literary critical discourses during the Song Dynasty. This sort of style originated itself during the Five Dynasties (907 -960), but flourished during the early North Song Dynasty and evolved during the mid-North Song Dynasty. During the period of Chunhua (990 - 994) and that of Zhidao (995 - 997 ) under the reign of Taizong, ,Emperor of the Song Dynasty, the style referred in particular to essays from the Imperial Academy with Yuan (Zhen) and Bai (Juyi) as its representatives, whereas, during the period of jingde ( 1004 - 1007) and that of Xiangfu ( 1008 - 1016) under the reign of Emperor Zhenzong, it at the same time referred to the elegant poetry (shi), songs (ge), rhapsody (fu), and odes (song) from the Imperial Academy, but, during the period of Qingli ( 1041 - 1048) and that of Jiayou ( 1056 - 1063 ) under the reign of Em- peror Renzong, it referred to, and laid stress upon, the Ancient Chinese prose by Han (Yu) and Liu (Zongyuan). This undoubtedly demonstrates that, as far as the reading and reception of the writings of the Tang Dynasty is concerned, intellectuals of the Song Dynasty took Yuan and Bai, and Han and Liu as their priority, and the period from "Zhenyuan to Yuanhe, and then to Changqing" bore particular impacts on the development of literature from the Tang to the Song Dynasty.
Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
"style of Zhenyuan and Yuanhe"
statement of the royal court
official literators of the ImperialAcademy