
欧洲一体化与美国战后多边自由贸易体系的兴衰 被引量:3

European Integration and the Rise and Fall of the American Postwar World Multilateral Free Trade System
摘要 二战结束后,美国倡导建立了多边自由贸易体系,这一体系以美国的经济霸主地位为前提,以倡导自由贸易为主题;出于冷战需要,美国全面支持欧洲一体化,一体化与多边贸易体系共存共赢。从20世纪50年代末到60年代末,一体化高筑贸易壁垒,对多边自由贸易体系形成挑战,肯尼迪政府倡导扩大贸易法下的多边谈判,多边自由贸易体系曲折发展。60年代末到70年代初,欧共体深化、扩展,尼克松政府实行贸易保护,"东京回合"中美欧激烈争夺,美国贸易霸权地位衰落,世界贸易保护主义甚嚣尘上,美国多边自由贸易体系变革:国际贸易体系向多极化、多元化方向发展。欧洲一体化是美国多边自由贸易体系受挫的重要原因,这一体系带有"美国经济霸权"和"多边自由贸易"的矛盾是其受挫的根本原因。从长远来看,区域主义会使全球化在更高的层次上展开。 Based upon the precondition of the maintenance of its economic hegemony, America initiated the founding of the Multilateral Free Trade System with the advocating of free trade as its key motif after World War II; and supported the European integration, and the co -existence of, and the win -win complexion between, this integration and the System in order to meet the needs of the Cold War. However, the European Integration built highly trade barriers, offering challenges to the Muhilateral Free Trade System from the end of 1950s to that of 1960s. Consequently, the Kennedy administration called for multilateral negotiations in the framework of the Trade Expansion Act adopted in1962, and the System developed circuitously as a result. As the EEC deepened and expanded from the end of 1960s to the beginning of 1960s, the Nixon administration put into practice of its policy of trade protection, protected its trade. America and EEC, therefore, contested against each other violently in GATF, and the former lost its hegemony in the world trade system, for international trade had become multi -polar and multiple.
作者 王仕英
出处 《山东师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 北大核心 2011年第5期106-112,共7页 Journal of Shandong Normal University(Humanities and Social Sciences)
基金 北京市教育委员会社科计划重点项目 北京市哲学社会科学规划项目:<国际关系史史料的整理与研究>(一期)(SZ201010028010) "山东师范大学博士科研启动项目资助"的阶段性成果
关键词 欧洲一体化 美国 多边自由贸易体系 European integration America Multilateral Free Trade System rise and fall
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