[目的]研究几种生长调节剂在观赏百合继代培养中对芽的增值效果。[方法]采用组织培养法,在各培养基中分别单独和组合添加不同浓度的BA或KT、GA、2,4-D和NAA,观察记录百合芽的增殖数。[结果]培养基中添加0.1、0.5和1.0 mg/L的BA或KT,对百合芽的增殖具有促进效果,其中添加0.5 mg/L BA对新中心和马可的芽的增值效果显著,42 d时分别比对照增加了290.9%和240.0%;添加0.05、0.10、0.50和1.00 mg/L的2,4-D或GA对百合芽的增殖具有促进效果;0.5 mg/L BA或KT与NAA配合使用时,效果优于BA或KT单独使用,且与0.1 mg/L NAA配合使用时效果最好;0.5 mg/L BA或KT与0.5 mg/L GA配合使用对新中心芽增殖效果最好。[结论]研究为探寻最适合观赏百合继代培养的生长调节剂配方提供了理论依据。
[Objective] The effect of several growth regulators on the proliferation of ornamental lily bud in subculture was researched.[Method] The proliferation of the lily bud,which was cultured in the tissue culture media complexly and separately added with the different concentrations of BA or KT,GA,2,4-D and NAA was observed and recorded.[Results] The supplement of 0.1,0.5 and 1.0 mg/L of BA or KT in the medium could promote the proliferation of lily bud,among which,the addition of 0.5 mg BA/L could obtain the significant efficiency of the bud proliferation of the variety-Xinzhongxin and Mark,and its addition at the 42ed was 290.9% and 240.0% more than that of CK.The addition of 2,4-D or GA with the concentration of 0.05,0.10,0.50 or 1.00 mg/ could also improve the proliferation of lily bud.The effect of the combination of BA or KT with the concentration of 0.5 mg/L was better than that of BA or KT alone and the best efficiency was from the combination of NAA with the concentration of 0.1 mg/L.The combination of BA or KT with the concentration of 0.5 mg/L with 0.5 GA mg/L could produce the best effect on the bud proliferation of the variety-Xinzhongxin.[Conclusion] The theoretical basis of the formulation of the growth regulator in the subculture medium,which was for the most suitable proliferation of lily bud,was provided.
Journal of Anhui Agricultural Sciences
Ornamental lily
Bud proliferation