
眼底图像配准技术研究进展 被引量:2

Progress of Research in Retinal Image Registration
摘要 眼底图像在疾病的辅助诊断和治疗过程中具有重要的应用意义。眼底图像配准可以衡量疾病进程及治疗效果。近年来,各种眼底图像配准技术已得到广泛研究,但仍有值得改进之处。本文在广泛文献调研的基础上,分析了眼底图像的特点和配准的难点,综述了眼底图像配准技术中变换模型和目前眼底图像配准的主要技术,分析了各类方法的优缺点。最后,总结了目前眼底图像配准存在的主要问题及发展方向。 The retinal image registration has important applications in the processes of auxiliary diagnosis and treat- ment for a variety of diseases. The retinal image registration can be used to measure the disease process and the ther- apeutic effect. A variety of retinal image registration techniques have been studied extensively in recent years. How- ever, there are still many problems existing and there are numerous research possibilities. Based on extensive investi- gation of existing literatures, the present paper analyzes the feature of retinal image and current challenges of retinal image registration, and reviews the transformation models of the retinal image registration technology and the main research algorithms in current retinal image registration, and analyzes the advantages and disadvantages of various types of algorithms. Some research challenges and future developing trends are also discussed.
出处 《生物医学工程学杂志》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第5期1043-1047,共5页 Journal of Biomedical Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金专项基金项目科学仪器基础研究专项项目资助(60827002)
关键词 眼底图像 图像配准 变换模型 基于灰度配准 基于特征配准 Retinal image Image registration Transformation models Intensity-based approaches Feature-basedapproaches
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