
不同硅橡胶印模技术可影响模型尺寸的精确性 被引量:10

The dimensional accuracy of different polyvinyl siloxanes impression techniques
摘要 背景:印模尺寸的精确性与最终修复体的适合性密切相关。目的:评价一步和两步硅橡胶印模技术法制取牙科模型的线性尺寸的精确性。方法:模拟临床口腔环境中的温度和潮湿度,分别采用一步和两步硅橡胶印模技术法,制取标准口腔模型的印模各10个,灌制成超硬石膏模型,使用游标卡尺测量每个模型的长度、宽度和高度。结果与结论:两种方法制取模型的测量值之间以及与标准模型的测量值之间差异无显著性意义,两步硅橡胶印模获得模型的测量值比一步硅橡胶印模更接近标准模型的测量值。 BACKGROUND:The dimensional accuracy of impression is closely related with the suitability of final prosthesis.OBJECTIVE:To evaluate the linear dimensional accuracy of dental casts made with one-step or two-step polyvinyl siloxanes impression techniques.METHODS:One-step or two-step polyvinyl siloxanes impression techniques were used respectively to make 10 dental impressions of standard dental cast in an environment with temperature and humidity similar to clinical oral cavity.Cast was made on each impression using ultrahard plaster.The length,width,height of each cast was measured by vernier caliper.RESULTS AND CONCLUSION:The cast measurements obtained by two-step polyvinyl siloxanes impression techniques were closer to the standard cast measurements than one-step impression techniques.But the measurements difference between different impression techniques and standard cast had no statistical significance.
作者 曾志鸿 徐松
出处 《中国组织工程研究与临床康复》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2011年第38期7142-7144,共3页 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitative Tissue Engineering Research
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