先天性下唇下颌正中裂是一种很少见的先天性颅面畸形,Couronne 1819年首次报道此症。2002年,Tamer Seyhan统计发表的例数为68例(包括他们新报道的2例)。H.Abe等统计,截至2002年,日本报道10例。到2008年,全世界报道不超过100例。国内目前文献报道7例[1]。我们遇到1例,报道如下。
Chinese Journal of Misdiagnostics
1朱声荣,程鹏,蔡卫,王燕秋.下唇及下颌骨正中裂的同期修复一例[J].中华口腔医学杂志,1996,31(5):316-316. 被引量:1
2Tessier P. Anatomical classification of facial, cranio-facial and latero-facial clefts[J]. J Maxillofac Surg, 1976,38:31-39.
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4Cited by Monroe CW. Midline. cleft of the lower lip, mandible and tongue with flexion contraeture of the neck: case report and review of the literature [J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1966,38: 312 -319.
5Tamer Seyhan, Hydyr Kylync. Median cleft of the lower lip: report of two new cases and review of the literature [J]. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryngol,2002,111 (3Pt 1 ) :217-221.
6Abe H,Tomita D,Wakamatsu S. Mandibular reconstructive surgery in a patient with median cleft of the lower lip and mandible[J]. Int J Oral Maxillofac Surg,2002,32:549-552.
8Morton CB,Jordon HE. Median cleft of lower lip and mandibule, cleft sternum and absence ofbasihyoid: report of a case[J]. Arch Surg, 1935,30:647-657
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10Oostrom CAM,Vermeij-Keers C,Gilbert PM,van der Meulen JC. Median cleft of the lower lip and mandible: case reports, a new embryologic hypothesis, and subdivisions [J]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 1996,97:313 -320.
1阮姝婕,张智勇,唐晓军,尹琳,石蕾,刘伟,董雪,徐硕,冯时.先天性下唇下颌正中裂的手术治疗及文献回顾[J].中国美容整形外科杂志,2014,25(4):221-223. 被引量:1
1Yin L, Hu J, Liu W, et al. Surgical correction of a median cleft of the mandible[ J]. J Craniofac Surg, 2011,22( 1 ) : 191-193.
2Aygit AC, Ayhan MS, Orak F. A left transverse facial cleft with a median cleft of the lower jaw[ J]. Cleft Palate Craniofac J, 1999, 36(5) :448-449.
3Seyhan T, Kylynr H. Median cleft of the lower lip: report of two new eases and review of the literature[ J]. Ann Otol Rhinol Laryn- gol, 2002,111 (3Ptl) :217-221.
4Eppley BL, van Aalst JA, Robey A, et al. The spectrum of orofaeial clefting[J]. Plast Reeonstr Surg, 2005,115(7) :101e-ll4e.
5Prakash A, Parelkar SV, Oak SN, et al. Giant epignathus with midline mandibular cleft: Insights in embryology and manageme- nt[ J]. Ann Maxillofac Surg, 2012,2( 1 ) :56-59.
6Ishii M, Ishii Y, Moriyama T, et al. Seventeen-year follow-up of a patient with median cleft of the lower lip, mandible, and tongue with flexion contracture: a case report[J]. Cleft Palate Craniofac J, 2002, 39(5) :555-559.
7Tanna N, Wan DC, Perry AD, et al. Paramedian mandibular cleft: revisiting the Tessier elassifieation[ J ]. Craniofac Surg, 2012,23( 1 ) :e38-e40.
8Morritt DG, Goodacre TE, Wall SA. A paramedian cleft of the lower lip[ J]. Craniofae Surg, 2007,18 (3) :704-706.
9Adetayo OA, Martin MC. A unique case of tessier 30 and bilater- al cleft lip and palate: a new clinical syndrome [ J ] ? Cleft Palate Craniofae J, 2013,50 ( 1 ) :117-121.
10Kilctikkaya D, Findik H, Beyhan SG, et al. Untreated median cleft of the lower lip in advanced Age [ J ]. Plast Reconstr Surg, 2006,117(2) :700-701.
1阮姝婕,张智勇,唐晓军,尹琳,石蕾,刘伟,董雪,徐硕,冯时.先天性下唇下颌正中裂的手术治疗及文献回顾[J].中国美容整形外科杂志,2014,25(4):221-223. 被引量:1
1胡金天,张智勇.先天性下唇下颌正中裂的诊断及治疗[J].中国美容医学,2009,18(3):414-415. 被引量:2
2蒋崇槟,张平,何新,贾丽梅,王维丽,张英怀.先天性下唇、下颌正中裂伴右侧舌、软腭、眼畸形及舌异位甲状腺1例[J].现代口腔医学杂志,2003,17(3):214-214. 被引量:1
3何惠宇,阿达来提.阿合买提江.口腔种植中组织工程骨的研究进展[J].新疆医科大学学报,2006,29(11):1031-1033. 被引量:4
4王璇,张智勇.半侧颜面短小畸形下颌骨牵引成骨术后面部不对称复发的研究进展[J].中国美容整形外科杂志,2016,27(12):720-722. 被引量:3
5陈燕,舒维娜,何等旗.镍钛拉簧和弹力橡皮链关闭拔牙间隙有效性和安全性的Meta分析[J].中国循证医学杂志,2012,12(11):1391-1395. 被引量:2
7江欣,胡开进,邓天阁,刘昌奎,薛洋,刘平,程鹏.翼外肌对下颌骨髁突矢状骨折后骨折区新骨形成影响的显微CT研究[J].实用口腔医学杂志,2013,29(2):176-180. 被引量:5
8刘光峰,杨佑成.头皮冠状切口的临床应用及并发症防治[J].滨州医学院学报,2008,31(6):456-458. 被引量:2
9徐玮,王仁欣,吴春梅,李帅,董鹏飞.微创拔牙术应用于下颌阻生智齿的循证医学分析[J].实用口腔医学杂志,2014,30(5):662-666. 被引量:29
10陈咏梅,黄昌红,吕亚奇.儿童龋齿应用窝沟封闭辅以氟保护漆的预防研究[J].医药论坛杂志,2014,35(10):115-116. 被引量:1