
四种聚丙烯网用于矫正乳房下垂的生物相容性研究 被引量:3

Biocompatiblity of various polypropylene meshes in breast ptosis correction
摘要 目的探讨外科网片的皱缩和粘连影响其作为内置式乳罩纠正轻、中度乳房下垂的术后效果,通过比较4种不同的聚丙烯网在生物相容性上的差异,找出异物反应与术后效果的关系,以便为内置式乳罩选用聚丙烯网片提供依据。方法以实验用小型诸作为动物模型,将4种不同的聚丙烯网置入腹部皮下,90d后采集标本,比较并发症、肄物反应、胶原纤维与弹力纤维的形成,并在透射电子最微镜下观察超微结构。结果4种聚丙烯网在生物相容性上存存差异。异物反应的程度决定生物相容性的差异,同时对术后乳房形态有显著的影响。结论Premilene Mesh LP作为新型的轻质量网片,生物相容性优于其他网片。 Objective Implanting surgical meshes to support breast in periareoler mammaplasty shows an excellent prospect, But shrinking of the mesh and the adhesion formation affected the post operative shape and palpation of the breast. The aim of this study was to compare biocompatible properties of four different polypropylene meshes (Prolene ; Vypro II ; Premilene Mesh and Premilene Mesh LP ) and to discuss the inclusion criteria of meshes in this technique. Methods The study was carried out in pigs. Four different polypropylene meshes were implanted subcutaneously in belly. 90 days after implantation the mesh samples were explanted, and complications, foreign-body reaction, collagen fiber and elastic fiber formation were ohserved, as well as ultrastructures for the biocompatible properties. Results The hiocompatible properties of each mesh were different. The foreign-body reactions determined the hioeompatible properties, and affected the postoperative shape greatly. Conclusions Premilene Mesh LP as a newer low weight polypropylene mesh, has superior properties to the others.
出处 《中华医学美学美容杂志》 2011年第5期369-372,共4页 Chinese Journal of Medical Aesthetics and Cosmetology
关键词 聚丙烯网 动物实验 生物相容性 乳房下垂 Polypropylene mesh Biocompatibility Animal experiment Breast ptosis
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